More fun in the snow.... strange men to the rescue!

So last night on the way home from post as I was going up the onramp to the freeway I slid off and almost into a fence. Yep you guessed it I got stuck! Limited slip rear axle or not it was in the mud. Thankfully the Lord sent some strangers to help (also kept traffic to a real minimum on the on ramp) who towed me out shortly and I was on my way again! (of course Tim had OUR tow strap in the truck). Hubby was willing to come from Abilene but it seemed stupid to ask him to drive 25 miles on icy, snow covered roads to come get me and then go back again! Our Company Commander was also willing to help but these men showed up first. Things could have been a lot worse and I'm grateful. It took me over an hour to get home but I made it.

Big thanks to the young man and his wife from Cracker Barrel and the 4 young men in the suv! This soldier's wife is grateful....