
Today: February 1st, 2010:
  • Outside my window~ brrr! bare trees on a grey canvas, spots of snow and ice still on the ground.
  • I am thinking~ that I need to follow through better!
  • I am thankful for~ food to eat, my children, my husband, space heaters
  • I am wearing ~ jeans, hubby's red t shirt and no makeup today
  • I am currently reading~ starting Lost and Found, one daughter's story of Amazing Grace by Kathryn Slattery
  • I am hoping ~our tax refund is deposited this Friday
  • On my mind ~ Grocery list, Highschool transcripts for Sara and how I am yet again behind
  • From the kitchen~ Nacho's tonight, did I mention I need to make a Grocery list and go shopping tomorrow? :)
  • Around the house~ Laundry going, son tapping around with his umbrella as a walking stick, 20 year old is feeling bad - wisdom teeth?
  • One of my favorite things~ warm socks
  • From my picture journal ~
  • Cross at Forest Home with everyone's card's they've left there. Always thought it was a great visual of Col 2:13 & 14 " And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross."