How To Store Soft, Gooey Cookies... And KEEP them Soft

Omaha Steaks 30 Milk Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies
How do you KEEP cookies soft and tasting great?  Well, I’m here to share the wisdom and the bloglove…

I shared this on my mom blog- BananaBlueberry a while back,
and it deserves another 'share the wisdom' post!
I originally learned how to store cookies correctly from THE COMMENTS I received from a DC Metro Moms post I did way back in December of 2007 on gooey cookies…
In whatever container you store your cookies in- 
Put a Piece of Bread in the Bottom.  

The bread becomes stale and hard, and the cookies stay soft!! 
And it’s so fantastic that I learned this amazing tip from comments to a post!  
So thank you to another Nicole in California, KenandBelly over in the UK, and Andrea’s Recipes in the DC area for great comments!  Thank you again for your helpful hints!
Just put a piece of bread in your storage container to keep cookies soft-

PooF!  That was easy!

Goodbye to subpar cookies- Let the baking begin!