A Cleaning Tip For Shower Doors

Procter & Gamble 43515 Mr. Clean Magic EraserHello HouseHold Tippers!  This Week I'm sharing tips from
HouseHold Tips Blog Readers!

Back in February, I shared my excitement over Mr. Clean Magic Erasers to almost instantly clean painted surfaces- any smudge or mark on walls comes off!

HouseHold Tips Blog Reader Whitney shared that these Magic Erasers are great at cleaning glass shower doors too;  They "take away all the grime that builds up and is tough to clean."

So there you have it- HouseHold Tippers sharing HouseHold Tips!

"We got us a (HouseHold Tip) family here!"  - to (kinda) quote H.I. McDonnough 

* By the way- that movie is ranked #31 in the American Film Institute's 100 Years... 100 Laughs! *