Paint is a Great Decorating Tool!

Valspar 004.6012660.005 Integrity Interior Latex Semi-Gloss Wall And Trim Paint

Good Morning HouseHold Tippers!

Today we're talking about paint.  Paint is a FANTASTIC Decorating Tool!  

Paint is easy and instantly gives a room a pick-me-up!

Paint is cleanable (thanks to this other HouseHold Tip) and looks much more modern than wallpaper.

Just change the shade of paint in a room to update it!

** AND ALWAYS REMEMBER: to instantly update any room re-paint THE CEILING!
And Use, 'Ceiling White'.
Every brand of paint now offers a 'ceiling white' or 'bright white for ceilings' shade of white.  This is an extra white and extra bright shade for ceilings that really opens up the room!

Linzer PA-1125S 5-Piece Time Saver Better Quality Polyester Brush SetGet out your paint brushes!