Waiting to breathe...

This whole experience of waiting for a loved one to come home from war has been likened to holding your breath for a really long time. Both by those of us at home and by the troops themselves.

I would also like to venture that it is a lot like being pregnant. Stick with me here a second guys... I have told my husband many times that the L-d knew women had to be preggers for a full nine months because before that you aren't totally willing to go through labor but by the end... That last month is soooooooooo long! It seems like you will never have that baby. Everyone keeps inquiring after your health and due date, and as you get closer the looks and words of sympathy start. You haven't had that baby yet??? And while the pregnant mum appreciates the thought she also is just as likely to strangle you for asking again!! She of all people knows shes STILL pregnant and wants it done.

Those of us here in the 1st Armored divison feel like that right now. We can't wait and FINALLY some of our men are begining to surface around home again but it's not our turn yet. While I'm excited for everyone else and happy their loved ones are home safe it's also highly annoying cause Tim's not here. Family is starting to ask have you heard from Tim yet? And it's starting to feel like when I was pregnant....I'll let you know!!! While homecoming is a public event is also an intensely personal thing. I loved the picture in the Stars & Stripes of a CPT and his wife slow dancing with their eyes closed oblivious to everyone else in the gym!

Adjustments have to be made as well just like having a newborn......we've all changed and grown, things have happened while Daddy's been gone. Our family has to adjust all over again. This is not an easy thing!

But in the end it's all worth it just to have Him home again and safe.