The Fourth Step of DeCluttering

Hello HouseHold Tippers!

We Continue our Decluttering Week Here by Tackling 
the Last, and Perhaps,
the Hardest part of Decluttering-

4.  Evaluate Tchotchkes... and say, 'Good Bye'

Tchotchkes, Typically pronounced as 'Chach-Kees', (also the name of the restaurant where 'Joanna' played by Jennifer Aniston, works in the movie, 'Office Space'- where she is forced to wear 'flair'.)

just take up space.

Tchotchkes usually start off as things with a 
little bit of sentiment,
and are put on a shelf.

But then they just sit there,
and they sit there so long,
that you forget about them,
and just accept them as 'part of a room'
or part of your decorating.

I'm all for keeping sentimental treasures...

EVALUATE Tchotchkes from Time to Time.

Do I love this?
Why I do Want this?
Does this Add Something to my Room,
or Has it Become Clutter?

It's Good to Do this Same Exercise 
in even Storage Areas, like your basement...
Why am I saving this?
How often do I use this?
When was the last time I used this?

Take it slow at first,
if you need to,
but I guarantee,
once you start,

It's Liberating,

and feels very, very good!

Happy HouseHolds!